A Veggie meal Version française
A film by Stéphane Groleau, Sonia Delisle et Mathieu St-Jean
Documentary/Quebec/2007/ 38 minutes         English subtitles available.
Since mai 2008 VeggiePotluck
Each month, we organize a vegan potluck (a meal where everyone bring a dish) in Quebec city. Open to every one! For details, see VeganQuebec
April 11th, 2008A Veggie potluck!
During the Expo Mange Santé in Quebec city, we noticed a great interest from people to attended veggie potluck. So we decided to organize one in Quebec on Friday April 11th, 2008. For details
January 3th, 2008 We just finished subtitling our documentary in Spanish. A warm thanks to Emmeline! Now, it is possible to watch it in three languages : French, English and Spanish.
October 17th, 2007
We are presenting our film as the first part for the show of Yves Lambert and the Beber Orchestra, taking place at the Lion d,Or in Montreal.
Mai 11th, 2007 Our roadtrip  started!
April 20th, 2007 The first screening of our film has been a success! We are now preparing our road trip around the province. Help us organize public screenings!
School workshops
Whether for environmental activities, world awareness, or spiritual & community engagement, our film showings in schools can be accompanied by a workshop and a discussion. The presentation can be suited to the available
time period and your interests.

The possible workshops :

  • Who am I? : Identification and uses of grains and legumes
  • Find the intruder : learning to read and identify ingredient lists on food packaging.
  • Sprouting workshop : How can we grow sprouts all year long? (alfalfa, radish, mustard, bean)
Road trip
We've started going around the province of Quebec to present our documentary. The public really enjoys it and this is extremely rewarding for us! It's also a great opportunity to meet nice people, make contacts and discover other parts of the province.

To get all the details of Where & When,
click here.
Description du film
Our food choices have a direct influence on the environment :  production, transportation, pollution, etc. Wanting to demystify vegetarianism and veganism, three young adults present their reflections and observations, and
the motivations that brought them to make this short film. During breakfast, they present the fruits of their research. In interviews, dieticians,
vegetarians, artists, and celebrities offer us their knowledge, their experience and their choices in terms of health, the environment and ethics.

With the participation of :
  • Jacques Languirand
  • Patricia Tulasne
  • Renée Frappier
  • Louise Vandelac
  • Anne-Marie Roy
  • Albert Simon
  • Marjolaine Jolicoeur
  • Serge-André Jones
To get a first taste of our documantary, look at our preview!

Stéphane Groleau Self-employed for many years, Stéphane Groleau goes around following the sound of his accordion. From journalism to computers, from vegan organic gardening to circus arts. Graduate in organic farming, he also studied anthropology at Laval University.
Sonia Delisle Graduate in communications at Laval University, Sonia Delisle is active in different ecological projects. Coming back from a journey in Cuba, she's converting her car to used vegetable oil. Apart from gardening, she also gets involved in the local exchange service systems and is part of a self-built eco-project at l'Isle-aux-Coudres (Charlevoix).
Mathieu St-Jean Graduate in organic farming and artisanal bakery, Mathieu St-Jean works actively in a health food co-op. With his musical group Intumessence, he tries to bring action and reflection to society.
Email :
Phone : 418-339-2697
You can also order the DVD version of our documentary.
It only costs $10, plus shipping and handling, for a total of $13 (Canadian order). For orders outside Canada, shipping and handling cost $5, for a total of $15.

For institutions (libraries, schools...) and public screenings, the cost is $20 plus shipping and handling ($3 in Canada, $5 outside Canada).

The DVD contains
  • The film lasting 38 min.
  • English subtitles for the movie (except bonus section).
  • 10 recipes including scrambled tofu and vege pate.
  • Bonus interviews
  • The entire videoclip of the song "Manger Végé" (eating vegetarian) from Serge-André Jones
  • Vegetarian resources websites

NEW : You can now buy our DVD directly online via PayPal (with an addtionnal cost of 2$ for the transaction).

15$ for order inside Canada
17$ for order outside Canada

For institutions, version with plastic case :

25$ for order inside Canada
27$ for order outside Canada

Press review
July 29th, 2007 - La Boîte à Bleuets
Article in the Bulletin Régional Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Read article

July, 27th,  2007 - A Veggie meal
Article presenting an interview done for radio CFIN-FM
(French). Lire l'article

July, 15th, 2007 - La revanche du tofu

Article for Marie-André Guérette published in the Tremblant Express newspaper
(French). Lire l'article

July,5th, 2007 - A Veggie meal at the Massif du Sud
Article for André Poulin published in the La Voix du Sud newspaper (M.R.C. de Bellechasse et M.R.C. des Etchemins)
(French). Lire l'article

June18th, 2007 - Review of the screening done at the Dépanneur Sylvestre in Gatineau (Hull)
(French) To read at Une végétarienne en Outaouais

June 6th, 2007 -  Projection du documentaire Un repas Végé
Article published in the La Nouvelle / L'Union newspaper
(French). Read the article

April 20th, 2007

Pictures of the first offcial screening during the opening nigth of the 
4th Portneuf Film Festival on Environement

April 19th, 2007 - Radio-Canada -
Première chaîne
Arts & Show review by Martine Côté
Presentation of the 4th Portneuf Film Festival on Environment, and of the documentary A Veggie Meal. Comments and audio extracts (French). Listen

Autres à venir...
Sonia Delisle
Stéphane Groleau
Mathieu St-Jean

Stéphane Groleau
Mathieu St-Jean
Christian M. Fournier

Prise de son
Mathieu St-Jean
Sonia Delisle
Stéphane Groleau

Stéphane Groleau
Sonia Delisle
Mathieu St-Jean

Serge-André Jones : chanson « Manger végé »
Stéphane Groleau : accordéon et flûte irlandaise
Mathieu St-Jean : guitare et bol tibétain
Victor Falardeau : flûte traversière
(générique) "Valse des sorciers" compo. Denis Côté

Stéphane Groleau
Sonia Delisle (voix)
Anaelle Juaire (dessins)

Archive pictures
Leonard De Vinci par Leonard De Vinci
Mahatma Gandhi par Wikipédia (l'encyclopédie libre)
Thanks to (by appearing order)
Patricia Moreau
Jean-David Martel
Annie Trottier
Kathryn Frank
Annie Dubé
Simon Larouche
Samuel Marlin et sa famille
Anne-Marie Roy
Jacques Languirand
Patricia Tulasne
Albert Simon
Marjolaine Jolicoeur
Louise Vandelac
Renée Frappier
Andréanne Guindon
Julien Levac
Geneviève Olivier-D'Avignon
Le collectif de minuit
Guylaine Duchesne
Antoine Duchastel
Chip Bullew
Kathleen Farley
Les enfants du CPE Harmonie
Denise Goulet
Hélène Théberge
Dorothy Bond
Serge-André Jones
Richard Giovannini
Alexandre Gagnon
Marielle-Lise Pilon

Have also contributed
Léo Denis Carpentier
Nicolas Léger
Jean Larochelle
Olivier Kolmel
Stéphanie Adam
Marie-Claude Nadeau
La coopérative La Manne
L'organisme l'Accorderie
Association Végétarienne de Toronto
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta)
Le Commensal sur St-Denis
Le Café Espéranza
Jimmy Gagnon
Nadine Beaudet
Jocelyn Langlois
Jérôme et Olivier Pageau
Edith Chabot
Évelyne Dubuc Dumas
Catherine Allard
Karine Deschamps
Isabelle Villeneuve
Ruth Hanna
Marie-Claude Ricard
Véronique Alexandre
Nicole Sauvageau
Robert Groleau
Daniel Groleau
Julie Vaillancourt
Louise Delisle
Pascal Desrochers
Jean-Paul Figasse
Marie-Noëlle Dolbec
Jeune volontaire Emploi Québec Rendez-vous cultures de Saint-Casimir Productions Ciné-scène Association Végétarienne de Montréal
High resolution promotional image : assiette.tif